ORIGINAL ROM content for both 16/48K ROM and 128K ROM 1: 0066 f5 push af 0067 e5 push hl 0068 2ab05c ld hl,(5cb0h) 006b 7c ld a,h 006c b5 or l 006d 2001 jr nz,0070h ; (+01h) 006f e9 jp (hl) 0070 e1 pop hl 0071 f1 pop af 0072 ed45 retn NMI-HANDLER patch: this is performed by MKSINCLA.ASM for the 48K rom, but should be carried out manually for any other rom (such as the 128K ROM 1). 7 bytes are modified from original rom content: 0066 f5 push af ; same as original ROM 0067 db7f in a,(7fh) 0069 f5 push af ; save FASTPAGE content onto stack 006a 3edf ld a,0dfh ; RAM bank +1F (bootrom) 006c d37f out (7fh),a ; last instruction fetched from this ROM: bank switch takes place Since the RETURN POINT needs no changes, a nonpatched ROM is capable of terminating a NMI procedure (for example, snapshot restore). OLD VERSION: these bytes are no longer changed for compatibility reason 006e 00 nop ; 2 never executed NOPs 006f 00 nop 0070 f1 pop af ; never executed POP AF (but balance the second PUSH AF in case zxmmc+ is not present) 0071 f1 pop af ; RETURN POINT for handler termination, same as original: This rom is paged-in at this address. 0072 ed45 retn